Profile – Android developer with 6.5+ years of experience.
• Flexible with Technologies
• Possess good communication and interpersonal skills.
• Highly profiled in Analytical and trouble shooting skills both as individual and as a team.
Area of Experience
• Programming Language : Java(Proficient),Kotlin
• Domain Knowledge: OOPS, Android development,data strutucre & Algorithms
• Mobile & web Technologies: Android Application Development,Java, SQLite,Room,Dagger, Push
Notifications, Google Location Services,Retrofit, Glide,Rxjava,Kotlin,Coroutines, LinkedIn Integration,
Maps,MVVM,MVP,System design and App architectures and services,Design patterns,Dependency
injection,SOLID principles,offline storage,memory optimization,performance tuning and multi
language support and localization of apps.
• Tools: - Jira,Figma,Google Analytics,API integrations,Rest API,databases,API testing,Postman,CICD
pipeline and Github.
Specialist's location
India, Indore, UTC+5.5
Partner's location
United States