Description of Project
Fitcoin is Web3 based project which monitizes lifestyle activities through Crypto, Gamification and NFT integration. Fitcoin rewards your daily passive and active calorie burn through blockchain, turning your real life activity into an immersive experience, merging blockchain technology with real world activity and earning crypto while doing so: Burn-2-Earn. Players can also participate in, community challenges for a chance to win NFTs.
◆ As a lead developer was mainly responsible for
defining process and structure for the project, managing the team progress and delivering MVP in time
◆ Defined system infrastructure and did deployments for the project on GCP and Google Kubernetes Engine.
◆ Created automated CICD pipelines in whole project using Github actions, docker, kustomize and kubernetes.
◆ Efficiently implemented resource optimization, scaling and load balancing with containerized workloads using Google Kubernetes Engine.
◆ Implemented Networking, SSL and security around secrets and configs in for different environments.
◆ Developed the backend API in Golang, integrated blockchain features and added concurrency to nsure multiple process running at same time using Goroutines and Channels
◆ Developed Frontend web application in React with pixel perfect and smooth UI and added responsiveness across multiple device resolutions (Mobile, tablet and displays of upto 4k resolution).
◆ Integrated Smart Contracts and NFT’s on frontend using web3 and wagmi.
◆ Defined process to ensure code quality, maintainability and scalability.
Technology Stack
React js, redux toolkit, NGINX, bootstrap, css, web3.
js, wagmi, Golang, Mysql, ethereum, firebase, Google
kubernetes engine, Google cloud storage, Google
Cloud SQL
12.2022 —
(5 months)