The world's largest tech event LEAP 2023, which took place on 6-9 February in Riyadh, has ended, with thousands of attendees coming to the Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Center to engage in talks and watch global premieres in what will be one of numerous future innovation events in the Saudi Arabia.
March 01, 2023 – This year LEAP met an ever-increasing crowd seeking to get inside the hallways where some of the top digital businesses were stationed for four days straight. Over 250,000 people registered, more than double the number from the previous year. Technology-based small and medium-sized firms are often regarded as job creators and innovators across the world visited this this event.
[Source photo: Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC.]
LEAP 2023 conference unveiled almost $9 billion in investments to boost future technologies, digital entrepreneurship, and innovative businesses. One of the significant statements came from Meta, Facebook's parent firm, which announced the opening of a metaverse academy in Saudi Arabia. In its initial 18 months, the academy will teach 1,000 students to harness the potential of the metaverse ecosystem. According to a KPMG research Tech Survey Saudi Arabia 2022, which was issued on the sidelines of LEAP23, 80% of firms in Saudi Arabia are at an advanced level of their digital transformation strategy, with the necessary leadership backing and finance.
[Source photo: Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC.]
TalentNations was for the first time at LEAP. “LEAP is a great place to meet governmental officials, largest business and IT companies from around the world. My special pleasure was to meet our partners f2f, many of whom I knew only remotely until the event”, said Natalia Berdyeva, Overseas Business Development Chief, TalentNations.
LEAP 23 results may help to diversify the economy, localize technology, and advance sectors. The event has evolved into one of the most significant annual global tech gatherings, eagerly anticipated by innovators eager to engage with entrepreneurs and thought leaders, where brave investment funds open up opportunities in new investment sectors and start great collaborations, just as LEAP 23 did.
[Source photo: Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC.]
LEAP is a critical part of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 to become a world leader in technology, encouraging 5G, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, robotics, finance, biotechnology, and the IoT, as well as encouraging the establishment of a strong startup environment.
About TalentNations
TalentNations is B2B online platform that connects clients with IT companies’ Specialists and Solutions, on staff augmentation terms. It is headquartered in Dubai and operates globally. More information on Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook. For inquiries: