Warehouse Management System (WMS) - Weighting System (WOS) - Vessel Booking (LSP
Description of Project
- Warehouse Management System: warehouse management, import, export, inventory is built based on the actual process of Swire cold storage.
- Weighting System: production software that manages the vehicle weighting process, and records vehicle information into magnetic cards via PLC, from the card.
- Vessel Booking: manage information about ships registering to load and unload goods at seaports. The software records the number of ships, goods, and the number of goods that will be registered for loading and unloading. Make a loading and unloading plan for each ship, at any time, on any day, at any berth, the necessary equipment for the loading and unloading process. Record data from the registration process to the departure process.
- Analysis requirement
- Write document spec
- Design screen layout
- Define coding rules
- Define common functions
- Implements
- Unit test
- Support team member
- Review code
- Fix bug
Technology Stack
- C#
- SQL server
- LinQ
- Entity framework, Dapper
- SQL server
- Automapper
- Single Page
- Devextreme
- Crystal report
03.2018 —
until now
(7 years 1 month)